Challenger SEZ Pit
Client: Kingsgate Consolidated Limited
Date: 2016
Kingsgate Consolidated Limited awarded Exact Contracting the Challenger SEZ-Pit Project, which included complex drill and blasting operations, haulage/mining operations and rehabilitation works on the waste dump.
The scope of works included the following.
Drill and Blasting Operations:
- Ore body shots (effectively minimising the dilution of ore including BVI designs).
- Wall control (pre-splitting etc.) and ramp/switchback designed/implemented shots.
- Designing and blasting wet and dry shots.
- Designing and blasting wall flare and sump shots
Haulage/Mining Operations:
- Benching (and double benching), top loading and box cutting.
- Selective ore mining (flitches etc.).
- Selective equipment mining (maximising production).
- Design/implementation of a new ramp to the waste dump (improving cycle times).
- Haulage to the ROM, waste dumps and tailings storage facility.
Rehabilitation and Earthmoving works:
- Rehabilitation of the waste dump.
- Preparation work for new tailings lift (levelling etc.).
- Clearing waste and scrap metal yards.
- Bunding and stockpile work.
- Improvement and maintenance of haul roads.
- Tip head work.
- Clearing the rubbish tip.