
CMV Farms

Client: CMV Farms
Date: 2015

CMV Farms is developing an almond plantation of up to 600 hectares on their Loxton property, known as Fielke’s. Stage one of this development includes approximately 150 hectares of irrigation, rising mainlines and a river pump station.

Exact Contracting was contracted by CMV Farms to supply and install the rising mainline system for the project.

The scope of work included the following:

  • Rising mainline supply and installation – 3.5 kilometres of 900 mm GRP pipeline generally within DPTI road corridor.
  • Connection to pump station at the river.
  • Connection to the filtration shed at the property.
  • Three road crossings.
  • Installing air valves.
  • Associated appurtenances.

Additional information


CMV Farms
