Additional information
Date | 2018 |
Date: May 2018 – Nov 2018
I Harts Range, Northern Territory
Exact Contracting were engaged to complete works associated with the upgrade and seal of the Plenty Highway Chainage 120.870 to 140.750 approximately 200km north east of Alice Springs, NT.
Mobilised 50 man camp, office, kitchen, laundry facility, workshop, diesel storage, lube bay.
The scope of works included:
A detour was constructed for the duration of the works limiting public interaction for 17km of the road upgrade. 3km of the road was restricted to the road corridor only due to heritage/cultural reasons, therefore 3km of the upgrade was constructed under traffic with traffic management personnel stationed to direct traffic throughout the works.
Various low yielding bores were utilised for construction water, which required high level of management to ensure works were not impacted. Therefore, water usage was closely monitored in line with the scheduled works. Water supply was further limited during base course construction due to quality of water (high salinity from some).
Exact Contracting engaged the local community Atitjere through My Pathways which resulted in employment of three community members. Exact also excavated a new waste dump for the local council and assisted with preparation of the local race track for the Harts Range race weekend with graders, water carts and provided lighting towers for the event.
Date | 2018 |